APPS DBA Interview Questions PART -2

21)If the MT is multinode, how do you connect to application from front end
Ans: using URL we will connect to the application, if it multi node the hostname in the URL will be changed.
22)what software need to be installed on the end user machines to connect to application
Ans: to connect to the application, client machines only requires web browser.
23) When your URL does not work, what will you do?
1. Check whether the given URL is correct or not
2. Check the network connection $ping
3. check whether the http port is open or not
$netstat |grep –i
4. check whether Apache is running or not
$ps –ux |grep –i iAS or http
24)where are the database objects stored for products "BEN","FND","AP","AD"
Ans: these products database objects are stored in their respective product schemas.
i) for BEN prodect: BEN is the database schema
ii) for FND prodect: FND is the database schema
iii) for AP prodect: AP is the database schema
iv) for AD prodect: AD is the database schema
25)Where are the APPS Products usernames stored
Ans: Dba_users, fnd_oracle_userid
26)What is TWO_TASK
Ans: TWO_TASK is orcle applications system identifier.
27)Who is the owner of Middle Tier
Ans: ap is the operating system user who is the owner of the applications file system.

28)Who is the owner of Database Tier
Ans: or is operating system user who is the owner of the oracle database file system.

29)What is a Mountpoint
Ans: Mount points are where you mount your file systems or devices
30)What is a filesystem
Ans: file system is nothing but directory that contains files and sub directories.
31)What are the mountpoints for Middle tier
Ans: /SID/applmgr

32)What are the mountpoints for Database Tier
Ans: /SID/oracle (contains oracle RDBMS software)
/SID/oradata (contains datafiles, control fies, redo log files)
33)How do you mount a filesystem
Ans: i) first see what devices are available
ii) Then mount the file system on to that device

Eg: $mount /SID/applmgr

34)Can MT and DB Run on different versions of OS
Ans: NO
35)Can different MTs have different flavours of OS
Ans: NO
36)How do you verify the No. of CPUs on a node
i) $cat /proc/cpuinfo : displays the number of cpus and their speed.
37)How do verify the OS version
Ans: $cat /etc/redhat-release
38)How do you verify whether your OS is 64 Bit or 32 Bit
Ans: getconfig
39)How do you verify your kernel version
Ans: $uname –v : displays the kernel version
40)How do you verify the memory on MT & DB Nodes
Ans: $cat /proc/meminfo

41)How do you start database from MT
Ans: we can connect to the database from the middle tier if REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT is set to TRUE
42)What is an Application Context
Ans: Application context is the .xml file, it located under
i) $APPL_TOP/admin/.xml (for MT)
ii) $ (for DB)
.xml is the central repository for the application configuration.
It contains
* db name
* db port
* product names and product tops
* product ports
* middle tier components are running on which nodes
* web server, forms server, reports server, apps listener ports
43)What are context Variables
45)What are the Environment variables required for "OR" User?
46)What is the SQL version of IAS HOME & how do you identify?
* the version of the sqlplus of iAS Home is
i) check the oracle home $echo $ORACLE_HOME if it is iAS home, invoke sqlplus by $sqlplus
ii) if iAS HOME is not set, go to iAS HOME by $cd /SID/product/806/
iii) Source the environment variable
$. ./sid/product/iAS/SID_hostname.env
iv) invoke splplus
* It displays the version of the sqlplus version of IAS HOME

47)What is the sql Version of Developer & How do you identify

Ans: the version of the sqlplus of Developer Home is ‘
i) verify whether 806 home is set or not $echo $ORACLE_HOME
ii) if it is set, run sqlplus $splplus, it displays the version of developer home sqlplus
iii) if it is not set, go to 806 home $cd /SID/product/806
iv) source the environment file $. ./SID/product/806/name>.env
v) invoke splplus by $splplus, it displays the version of sqlplus for developer home
48)What is the sql version of Oracle
Ans: go to db tier and login as or, and run sqlplus as $sqlplus it displays the sqlplus version of oracle.
* the sqlplus version of oracle is :
49)What is a Shared APPL_TOP?
Ans: shared APPL_TOP means, APPL_TOP is shared across all the nodes of middle tier.
        • in shared APPL_TOP, APPL_TOP is physically located on one single node, but visible on all the nodes.

        • it reduces the disk space
        • reduces the patch down time
50)How do you identify whether it is a shared appl_TOP or not?
    1. $df –k : it displays mount points, APPL_TOP mount point on all the nodes should be same
    2. Size of APPL_TOP should be same on all the nodes
    3. Create on file using $touch in APPL_TOP on one node, this file should be created in all APPL_TOPs on all nodes.
* if all the above conditions are satisfied, then we can say that APPL_TOP is shared.
52)what is the environment Variable for installing the Application
53)Outline various ways to verify whether a Forms Server is up and running or not
Ans: i) from the front end, if you access forms based application, if forms are not coming up, then forms server is not running.
ii) from backend
$ps –ux |grep –i f60srvm or f60webmx or f60
iii) $ status

54)Command to verify Forms Server is running or not

Ans: $Ps –ef | grep –i f60 or f60srvm or f60webmx
55)Command to verify Reports Server is running or not
Ans: $Ps –ef |grep –I rep60 or rwmts
56)Give the location of Oracle HOmes in Oracle Application?
There are 3 oracle homes, one is on the DB tier and the remaining is on the apps tier
806 HOME: /Sid/product/806
iAS HOME: /Sid/product/iAS
ORACLE_HOME (db): /Sid/oracle/product/920/
57) In an environment with 2 MTs how many oracle Homes are available?
Ans:every node in Middle tier should have two oracle homes i.e 806 home and iAS home.
Therefore two nodes should have 4 oracle homes
Two 806 homes on two nodes
Two iAS homes on two nodes
58) What is a Jinitiator?
Ans:Jinitiator is the Oracle JVM used to run the applet instead of using browsers own JVM
59)How do you get jinitiator executable?
Ans:Jinitiator executable is located under
$COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator/ jinit13118.exe (MT)

60)Where do the Concurrent program output files reside

Ans: $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT is the location of concurrent program output files.
Value= /SID/applcsf/out/name>

61) Where are the definitions of Product directories and subdirectories mentioned
Ans:the definitions of Product directories and subdirectories are mentioned in the .xml file

62) List out the Product Ids for Application Technology?

i) AD : Applications Dba
ii) FND : Applications Object Library
iii) AU : Application Utilities
iv) ALR : alert
63) Specify the location of JRE/JDK files?
64)What is a RRA Agent
RRA is a Report Review Agent
When ever user want to see the concurrent request log and output files from frontend, the Report Review Agent gets the information about concurrent request log and output files from the database and sends it to the forms server. The forms server displays the reports in forms to the user.
65)Specify the No. of Oracle Homes in Oracle Application?
    1. iAS_HOME: /SID/product/iAS
    2. 806 Home: /SID/product/806
    3. ORACLE_HOME(db) : /SID/product/oracle/920
66)Command to verify Concurrent Manager is running or not on a node when multiple applications are up and running
Ans: Ps –ux |grep –I fndlibr
67)what are the Products that support Oracle Application Technology?
68)where is the OS platform for Oracle Applications specified
* in $APPL_TOP/admin/.env file we will define the variable to specify the OS platform.
The variable is : PLATFORM
* and also we can see this value in $APPL_TOP/admin/adpltfrm.txt file.
69)List out the components of Oracle Applications
Application Database
Application Utility
Work flow
Xml publisher

70)Specify the Location of Patch Log files

Ans: patch log files are stored under $APPL_TOP/Admin//log
71)What is the variable for setting an OS Platform
Ans: PLATFORM is the variable to specify the OS Platform
72)what is Application file system owner name
Ans: Applmgr or ap is the owner of the oracle applications file system.
73)What is Environment variable to define oracle home
Ans: ORACLE_HOME is the variable to define the oracle home.
74)How do you source an environment file
Ans: $. ./SID/applmgr/11510/name>.env
75)What is the Name of the cosolidated Environment file name?
Ans: APPS.env is the consolidated Environment variable that provides the environment for both application and Techstack.
76)What are the variables to define the temporary directories?
Ans: * APPLTMP : specifies the location of oracle applications temporary files
* APPLPTMP : specifies the location of oracle applications temporary files generated by plsql programs.
* REPORT60_TMP: specifies the location of temporary files generated by oracle applications reports
* TMPDIR: specifies the location of temporary files.
77)Which environment file contains the list of all the Product ids?
$APPL_TOP/.env contains the variables related to product tops
$APPL_TOP/admin/applpord.txt contains all the registered product ids
78)Which enviornment file contains the list of Java related variables
$APPL_TOP/admin/adovars.env contains the list of java related variables and also contains the variables that specifies the locations of html files.
79)Which script is used to start the concurrent Manager. Specify the usage of the script?
* $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts// scripit is used to start and stop the concurrent manager
* usage: $ start apps/
80)Give the path of iAS Home
Ans: /SID/product/iAS

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