Oracle APPS is a 3 tier architecture.
1. A database tier - hosts the database
2. An application tier(middle tier/web tier) -hosts the application componetnts (Apache/Jserver, Oralce Forms, Oracle Reports, COncurrent managers,
Metric server, Metric client, Discoverer server, Admin server etc.)
3. A desk top tier - A PC from where the client is accessing the oracle apps.
Database tier contains: Oracle Home software(8i/9i) to manage the database and listener.
Application tier contains: Oracle Home oftware (806) to support the oracle developer products (forms/reports/graphics)
and iAS oracle home to support Apache / Jserver.
Desktop tier must have: A web browser and Jinitiator
What are the oracle apps components:
1. Web server - A Web Server is a computer that stores HTML documents that can be retrieved via a Web browser.
2. Forms server - Mediates between the Forms client, a Java applet running on the desktop, and the Oracle8i/9i database server on the back end, or database tier.
3. Report server – manages reports and communicates with the database to get the output from oracle database (optional)
4. CP Server – Conc. programs are run on the Concurrent Processing server
( A concurrent program is an executable program which runs in the background. It runs simultaneously with other concurrent programs and with online operations, fully utilizing your hardware capacity. Typically, a concurrent program is a long–running, data–intensive task, such as posting a journal or generating a report.)
5. RRA (Report review agent) – To view the conc progrms out/log files
6. MS/MC (Metric server/Metric client) – Load balancing (optional)
7. Admin Server - To administer/maintain the oracle apps database objects and file system(adadmin/patching/autoupgrade)
Finally Oralce apps physically contains : A database (datafiles+redolog files+controlfiles+init.ora)
: A File system ($APPL_TOP and $COMMON_TOP) to functional the oralce apps.